Dying Man’s Daily Journal – Words helping others

I have been sitting back thinking about this blog and how it has had such a positive impact on me, this has been such a wonderful experience. This is truly my daily journal, I just write what ever thoughts are in my head at the time. I do no planning, no editing, I just write from my heart what ever is there at the moment. I don’t edit or proof read, I do use spell checker (As I just write from my heart I have found my heart isn’t that good a speller).

I do just share my thoughts and feelings of the moment, it is all so easy, just sit and type. I am not sure how to really describe this but it seems as I type the thoughts and feelings, they seem to become even more entrenched or possibly strengthened in my mind. It really is a big help in dealing with some of my issues.

I gain so much by just writing and yet gain even more support through the literally thousands of kind wonderful comments I have received from all over the world. I am such a lucky man. I so thank all that take the time to leave a comment.

It has been said many times that I just do not understand or appreciate the affect my words have on others. Well that is obviously true as I just frankly don’t get it. I am certainly no one special, just an ordinary guy sharing his thoughts. I so often question, how can anything I have to say really have any meaning to people I don’t even know? Well, as hard as it is to believe that is what seems to be happening at least in some cases. I have received messages telling of the profound affect my words have had on some. Talk about a win/win situation. I can’t begin to really explain how much I have personally gained through this whole experience and then to hear my simple writings are have a positive impact on the lives of others, is the icing on the cake.

The comments I receive make me realize the power of simple words, even words from a stranger such as myself. My words seem to be reaching out to people all over the world in I hope a positive manner. I have been fumbling and bumbling with this paragraph for a while trying to find the correct wording. I am not a writer merely a rambler, I start typing and what ever comes, comes. I struggle now as I am trying to actually say something in particular. I feel very humbled and some how unworthy of all the comments coming my way. I am trying to find the words in which it is clear I am not trying to brag or boast of the comments. Hey, I know what is in my heart, so I am just going to write it, this is my journal after all.

First off I am going to copy a comment left for my by Juanita. Now I have no idea who Juanita is or even where she is. She left me this comment which touched my heart very deeply:

“I want to thank you for helping me want to go on living. Your words, on this site, has done more for me than anyone. From your words I have been given hope, encouragement, and love. I had forgotten that there were loving people in the world, but more than anything I had forgotten I was one of them. Thank you for giving me back my life. You will always be one of my hero’s and always in my prayers.”

Juanita, you are in my heart, thoughts and prayers. I am so very glad I was able to help you in what ever way it was that I did.

It makes me realize that if I can reach out and touch the lives of others, so can we all. Sharing positive thoughts and feelings can’t help but make the world a better place. I have written often of the ripple affect that can result from a single act of kindness or even a simple smile. Words no matter how simple can have such an amazing affect be it good or bad. A few words can bring about change in the lives of others. If we all can stop and realize this, think of the wonderful things that can be done in this world.

I give you another example with a message I today received from my dear blogging friend Venus. OK, Venus is a blogging friend but I do not know her personally only as a friend here via the internet. Here is the message I received for her today:

“Hi again Bill. I can’t find your email address(I am also not very tech savvy) but I wanted to let you know that even though I’m not online much anymore, your blog helped make a profound difference in my life. I wrote about it a couple of days ago in one of my blogs and I just wanted to let you know. http://venus44.wordpress.com/ I hope you are feeling better friend. You are in my prayers.”

Well on reading this naturally I just had to pop over to her site and read what she had written. In her post titled “just breathe” Venus writes of how she decided to leave a corporate job that she hated to follow her dream. Cooking is her passion, she left her job, took classes and is now a member of the United States Personal Chef Association and setting up her own business. Way to go Venus, I am so proud of you, good luck with the new business. I wish you were in Winnipeg, I would most certainly be sampling your food, which I am sure is excellent. I know you will do well.

Venus, you were far to kind to me in your post giving me far to much credit. It was your own internal strength and desire that gave you the strength to make the move you did. To follow your dream and seek happiness in this world. You and your new business are in my heart thoughts and prayers.

OK, I admit it I am so flattered by her comments on her post about me that I had to copy them over here.

Come to think of it, I really need to write my online friend Bill a letter of gratitude. He is the most wonderful man who’s blog The Dying Mans Journal really got me thinking. I knew I was killing myself with my corporate job, it was literally making me sick. His posts made me realize that no one is guaranteed a long life and that we should never take it for granted. I started dreaming about what I really wanted and putting my priorities in order. God gave me a passion for cooking and for people so why was I killing myself at a job I hated, managing projects that I didn’t give a flying fig about….all they were doing was working me into an early grave – So thank you dear Bill for your wisdom and inspiration. You are a true earth angel!!!”.

I admit comments such as these do make me feel good. One of my purposes in starting this blog was to try and get people to realize life is to short to endure any part of it. If we find we are in fact enduring life a change is required. Be that a physical change such as Venus is making or an internal change to our attitude. Life is to short not to live it to its fullest. God wants all of us to be happy, he provides us with the means to achieve that. We just need to grab on to the opportunity when it comes by. Maybe I am achieving one of my goals in the blog.

I think if I can bring about change in others just through words as it seems I am. So can everyone else, I have no special qualifications to do anything. I challenge any and all that may read this. Please start spreading loving supportive, re-enforcing, encouraging, positive message to all. The ripple effect can be amazing, who know how far your message will teach and spread. Each of us can bring about positive change to this world. Let’s do it.

6 Responses to Dying Man’s Daily Journal – Words helping others

  1. ceeque says:

    The power of words eh!? Brilliant stuff! 🙂 God Bless them Ripples!!

    Charles, you are so right, bless the ripples. Who is to really know when we start them or how far they will go.

  2. Jo Hart says:

    I am all for it Bill, and guess what it has all started with you !!! Stand tall and be proud of the wonderful accomplishments you have achieved, even though you may never know completely what they are???

    Three Cheers for you my dear friend and lots of hugs ….

    Thank you Jo

  3. Sinatra says:

    Thanks for the beautiful posting!
    I Look Forward To Your Returning to your Blog and learning more from you!

  4. Hey Bill, your words simply reflect who you are and the love you feel.

    Thank you Martha

  5. Mel says:

    We each can be the change we want to see.
    It starts with each of us, eh?

    Ya know, we don’t often get to know how we affect those around us for the good–but boy do we tend to keep track of how we’ve affected them for the not so good.

    I’m thinkin’ we each need a list on our refridgerators of good things we did during the course of the day….leastwise I can think of one person who could use that list!
    (me, of course….LOL…..it’s always about mememe……LOL)

    *HUGE hugs your way!*

    I think that is an excellent idea, writing down the good that we do. It is so easy to forget while the negative we remember forever it seems.

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